My Precious Daisy

My precious Daisy. My most prized dog on Nintendogs Lab and Friends. I had owned him since I was five, yes he's a boy. The name Daisy was a started name and, being five, I had thought the dog was a girl.
He was a beautiful husky. His fur was white with black patches and I loved him to death. I'd play with him until I had to put away the DS. I'd play with him until I had to go to sleep. I LOVED this dog and I was not about to lose him.
This story began on a cool spring day when I was playing my favorite game with my favorite dog. Daisy was a champion in disk competitions and I had earned a very big portion of money from his winnings.
We had used our third contest up for today so I went to the day care and picked up Maxine, my German Shepard.
I gave her a bath and dressed her up in a flower color. The color brought out the brown in her eyes and she looked stunning. I knew we would win the agility trial for sure.
After winning I saved my data and noticed the time, 9:30 P.M. I was supposed to be asleep an hour ago! I thought yawning and laying down on the pillow. As I drifted off to sleep all I could think about was entering Daisy in the obedience trail tomorrow.
I had trained long and hard for this moment. I washed Daisy and dressed him in a red white and blue ribbon. We entered the obedience trial as a beginner, since we had not entered before. As I said the commands Daisy obeyed, he won first prize. I was so overjoyed that if I could hug that little dog I would have.
That night I saved and shut the game down. As I lie in my bed something constantly nagged at my brain. "Something is wrong," I thought. I picked up the game and and played through it, everything was fine, I was overreacting.
A few years had passed since I last saw my sweet Daisy. My DS had been broken and I had to wait until Christmas where I was greeted with a shiny blue DSi XL. I searched my room high and low for the game cartridge. I found it at my friend's house about a month later.
I clicked the game in place and turned the DSi XL on. As soon as I saw Daisy my heart sunk. This couldn't be real, games never do this! The dog was nearly a mangy scrap of fur covered in fleas and dirt.
I almost started to cry but I snapped myself out of it. "It's just a game" I thought, but this was just too real.
The smell... That's the first thing I remember. It smelled like filth and death. There were no dead dogs though, Daisy was close to death, but not dead yet. Then I remembered Maxine. I swerved around the room looking for her, occasionally I would press the whistle button, but no dog came.
I saw something small, yellow-white, and shiny by Daisy's paw... I zoomed in on it. It was a skull. Terror surged through me as I realized Daisy must have eaten Maxine. My stomach was turning, my mind was reeling, and worst of all, the smell was growing by the minute.
''Written by Breezylicious''